The Birth of Animal Blessings

From rescuing stray dogs and kittens as a girl, to cheering for the bull instead of the bull fighter, to attending law school and seminary in the name of animal rights, to working with FARM, PETA, and hospice groups, Ginny MIkita’s Animal Blessings was born.

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Ginny Mikata
Holidays and Grief

Whether this is the first holiday season you’ve experienced without your beloved companion animal, or the season has come and gone several times since her death, it can be particularly difficult.

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Ginny Mikata
Letting the Red Fern Grow

For a child, a companion animal’s death is often the first experience of death - the first experience of heartbreak that no amount of hugs will make better. Children, unlike adults, generally have little understanding of what death means - literally.

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Ginny Mikata
Ashes to Ashes

Just as with human family members, the decision of what to do with your animal’s sacred remains is highly personal and can be critical in grieving and healing journeys. Learning about available options now has the potential to avoid making decisions clouded by emotion and regret when a companion animal dies, especially under unexpected circumstances.

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Ginny Mikata
How Much is That Doggie in Your Window?

The handful of states who have made way for a recognition of a companion animal’s “intrinsic value” described by one court as, "a pet is not just a thing but occupies a special place somewhere in between a person and a piece of personal property" are to be commended. They have boldly taken the first step toward increasing the status of companion animals under the law. 

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Ginny Mikata
Animal Grief

Dogs love and often develop deep emotional bonds with others with whom they share their lives. Just as we mourn when a close friend dies, so, too, do they. From death, grief is born.

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Ginny Mikata